Clean Water Current
NACWA Meets with EPA Water Chief
(July 31, 2019) – NACWA met this week with David Ross, EPA’s Assistant Administrator for Water, and other senior staff from the Office of Water to discuss a number of the Association’s advocacy priorities including affordability and water quality issues. The meeting was productive and allowed NACWA to communicate important policy positions, with Ross being receptive to NACWA’s perspective.
On the affordability front, NACWA reiterated the importance of EPA moving away from its 1997 guidance – including its focus on median household income (MHI) – and instead adopting new metrics that better reflect the true impact of EPA's regulations. The Association highlighted the suggestions made in the recent joint affordability report from NACWA, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
NACWA also discussed key water quality challenges facing the public clean water sector, including around combined sewer overflow discharges and nutrients, and outlined ways EPA can help local communities address those concerns.
NACWA appreciates the time Ross and other EPA staff dedicated to the conversation, which was very beneficial for both sides, and looks forward to continued engagement with EPA on these critical issues. Members with any questions can contact Nathan Gardner-Andrews, NACWA’s Chief Advocacy Officer.